The Check Engine Light

By Dr. Llana Call Smith

Most of us have heard of the “check-engine” light in our vehicles.  Some of us have seen it!  When it comes on in your vehicle, it is telling you that a problem is occurring and it needs to be addressed.  We always pray it is nothing, but the way to find out is to take it to a mechanic and have them use a code reader to find out what might be going on.  The “check-engine” light itself does not tell you what the problem is, just that there is a problem.  The code reader is a diagnostic tool that allows the mechanic to help determine what is wrong with your engine.  If you have a problem in the engine that causes the “check-engine” light to come on and it is not addressed, it WILL get worse.

Just like the “check-engine” light in your car, the body has many symptoms that signal that something is out of balance and needs to be addressed.  If the problem is not addressed it WILL get worse.  Just as a car will break down eventually without proper maintenance, so will the body.  It is just a matter of time. 

The key point to remember for symptoms is that, just like a “check-engine” light, they do not tell you WHY they are there.  Your body is one whole unit and when one part is not in balance with the rest of the body it can and often will throw off something else.  This can make it look like one issue is going on but it can be something “unrelated.”  I put unrelated in quotes because everything IS actually related in your body.

Symptoms are warnings that the body is out of balance and balance needs to be restored.  WHY the body is out of balance is the question that must be answered and then addressed.  This is where have a code reader comes in handy!  Nutrition Response Testing allows practitioners like myself to act as the code reader, helping to identify what is really going on in the body and how to best balance it quickly so that the system is working as best it can again.

There are no quick fixes.  There are only quick patches.  A patch is not a fix.  Medications can patch a problem until the real issue can be addressed.  Don’t be tempted to cover up the real problem and not address it once the symptom is no longer a nuisance.  This is like covering or even removing the “check-engine” light bulb!  FIX the real issue for your “check-engine” light and you are much more likely to enjoy good health for years to come.  Here’s to regaining and maintaining your health this year!  Make this the Year of Wellness!

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