Thoughts on the Flu Vaccine

Here are some tidbits from “The Truth About Vaccines” docuseries on the flu vaccines.  My own comments are italicized. 

Neil Miller states that the CDC and FDA often claim that 36,000 people die every year from the flu.  The issue with this particular number is that flu deaths and pneumonia deaths are grouped together.  When you separate the two in any given year, the average number of deaths for the flu is from 750 to 2000.  Deaths were as low as 500 in 2010.

If you have been wondering why the inhaled version of the flu vaccine is no longer recommended by the CDC it is because it was only 3% effective last year!  It was actually spreading the flu!

Dr. Bark mentions that studies the Cochrane Collaboration looked at that showed in any given year that for every 100 patients who were told they had the flu, 7 actually had flu.

When the flu vaccine is created, they take an educated guess as to what flu strain will be circulating in the next flu season.  We don’t actually know how many potential flu strains there are.  IF you have never been exposed to a particular flu virus strain, and IF that is the strain you are exposed to, and IF you were given the vaccine for that flu strain that year, and IF you had an immune response to it, THEN the vaccine can protect you that year.  For me, that’s a lot of ‘If’s!

It was mentioned in the docuseries that on the flu package insert for Flulaval vaccine, it states, “There have been no controlled trial adequately demonstrating a decrease in influenza after vaccination with Flulaval.”

Most studies don’t use saline as a placebo.  A study by Cowling in 2013 used saline as a placebo and followed around 100 people who were given a trivalent influenza vaccine (3 strains covered) and then saline to around 100 more instead of the flu vaccine.  They found that there was not a significant difference in flu virus infections between the two groups.  BUT they did have 4-5 times higher incidence of non-flu viral infections in the vaccinated group!  Dr. Humphries states that some of these additional infections were “some very nasty viruses that would have been called polio in the old days.”

Thimerosal (mercury) is still in the multi-dose vials.  It is not in the single-dose vial.  The thimerosal is added as an antimicrobial agent so that multiple people can be given a flu shot from the same vial.  The Material Safety Data Sheet on Thimerosal states that it is a “mutagen for mammalian somatic cells.”  In other words, it causes mutation of embryo cells.  (And it’s ok to give this to pregnant women??!)

Dr. Wolfson states that “These vaccines are clearly causing damage to the gut barrier and leading to autoimmune conditions, one of which is the thyroid.”

There seems to be a lot of risk with the flu vaccine that we are simply not told.  Now, we look at what happens when someone does not get the flu vaccine and gets the flu:

When the flu is circulating each year, everyone is exposed to it.  When you are exposed you get cross-protection.  Neil Miller states that, “You gain heterosubtypic immunity, which provides you with cross-protection against different strains that might come up in the future.”  Getting the vaccine actually suppresses this extra protection.  When the flu virus mutates a lot instead of just a little, no one has been exposed to that new strain.  Those people who have that cross-protection are the most protected against this new strain.  Those people who got their annual flu shot are the ones more likely to end up hospitalized.

Our immune system NEEDS to be challenged.  It is how it grows and learns and is able to protect us.

A summary of a study that came out in Science Magazine in November 2016 states, “The first influenza attack that a child suffers can affect the way that their lifelong immunity to the virus builds up.”

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