Skin Deep

How your skin is doing can give you a really good look into your overall health.  Here are a few symptoms that may show up on your skin and what it could be telling you about your health.

If you have recurrent infections such as cold sores (fever blisters), shingles, and warts it could be telling you that your immune system is not functioning well.  You may have too much stress that is causing increased susceptibility to infections.  If you are consuming sugar you also end up taxing your immune system.  Sugar will decrease your immune system’s response by 50% for 4-5 hours!!

If you have hives, eczema, or rash you are likely experiencing more of an allergic reaction.  No, this doesn’t have to mean an anaphylactic reaction, but you still want to find out what is causing it so you can eliminate the stress on your body.  Common things that can cause theses are medications, foods, food additives (including oils), temperature extremes, stress, irritants (soaps, poisonous plants, contact dermatitis), allergens, chemicals, metals, immune challenges.  The tricky part can be identifying what is causing the rash but Nutrition Response Testing makes it much easier to find the culprit!

Other skin issues that commonly show up include psoriasis, rosacea, acne and even skin tags.  Just like the section above with rashes, often there is something irritating the body and not allowing it to heal.  In the case of psoriasis it could be a metal that the body is having trouble eliminating or even a food issue.  Rosacea (butterfly rash on face) is often linked to the spleen and the spleen is very sugar sensitive.  If only the rash on the skin is addressed with topical creams, Rosacea has the potential to progress in the future to Lupus, an autoimmune disease.  It can be prevented!  Acne is often related to hormone imbalances.  Skin tags can be a warning sign for diabetes and insulin resistance.

The take home for today is this:  the medical solution to most skin issues is only topical.  This does not get to the root of the problem.  When an issue shows up on your skin, the body is telling you something is out of balance.  Finding out why the body is out of balance will usually result in the skin issue going away.  When you address the entire body and not just where the symptom is, you restore health.  A healthy functioning body is much more likely to have nice skin with no rashes and such.

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