
Showing posts from December, 2017

An Apple A Day

We’ve heard the old saying, “an apple a day keeps the doctor away” and it really is true.  When we eat real, whole foods like apples, we are feeding our bodies genuine replacement parts.  Our bodies can take these nutrients and repair our bodies so they can continue to function at their best. Try to aim for veggies, meats, seafood, nuts and seeds, fruits, and dairy (in moderation).  Add in clean water each day; usually about ½ your body weight in ounces.  Try to avoid processed foods.  You can recognize these by their labels.  Products usually have really long labels!  Asking yourself if you could have found this item 100 years ago is another trick to finding out if it is processed. While “an apple a day keeps the doctor away” it only does so if you eat it!  Remember that this real food is likely to spoil faster than product foods so you’ll want to remember they are in the refrigerator and eat them while they are fresh.  Experimen...

Healthy Tip - Organic or Not?

Wondering what foods you should really be buying organic?  Here is a list of the “Dirty Dozen” which have the highest pesticide load.  This makes these foods the best place to spend a little extra to help keep you healthy.  From worst to best:  Apples, strawberries, grapes, celery, peaches, spinach, sweet bell peppers, nectarines (imported), cucumbers, cherry tomatoes, snap peas (imported), potatoes.  Want to know the good ones?  Search for “Clean 15” online!

Thoughts on the Flu Vaccine

Here are some tidbits from “The Truth About Vaccines” docuseries on the flu vaccines.  My own comments are italicized.  Neil Miller states that the CDC and FDA often claim that 36,000 people die every year from the flu.  The issue with this particular number is that flu deaths and pneumonia deaths are grouped together.  When you separate the two in any given year, the average number of deaths for the flu is from 750 to 2000.  Deaths were as low as 500 in 2010. If you have been wondering why the inhaled version of the flu vaccine is no longer recommended by the CDC it is because it was only 3% effective last year!  It was actually spreading the flu! Dr. Bark mentions that studies the Cochrane Collaboration looked at that showed in any given year that for every 100 patients who were told they had the flu, 7 actually had flu. When the flu vaccine is created, they take an educated guess as to what flu strain will be circulating in the next flu ...

Healthy Tip - Strong Immune System

Want to do everything you can to stay healthy this fall and winter?  Most people regularly ingest a substance that cuts the immune system’s ability to fight off infection by 50% for 4-5 hours!  Avoiding it means that the body can work at 100% and fight infections as it was made to do.  This substance is sugar .  Look for hidden sources in your diet and when fighting an illness, avoid fruits that are high in sugars.