Hormones Simplified!

The topic of hormones can get very complicated. So WE are going to keep this simple. Here is a very basic definition of hormones that you can understand: Hormones are chemical messengers in the body that cause other organs to do specific tasks. Even more simply put, they are like email messages in the body . When an ‘email’ is sent it goes to a specific ‘person’. That person acts on what is contained in the email and a job gets done. All the hormone organs, called endocrine glands, have to work together to get all the jobs done. You can think of these organs and glands as instruments in an orchestra that all have to play their parts to make the beautiful symphony! Here are the basic ‘instruments’ for this analogy: pineal, thyroid, parathyroid, heart, pancreas, adrenals, ovaries, testes . Every orchestra has to have a conductor and the pituitary fills this role. It is often called the ‘master hormone gland.’ It sen...