Be Kind...Unwind!

We live in a busy, busy world! The challenge with all this “busy” is that it starts to wear on our bodies. One of the organs particularly sensitive to all this stress is the Adrenal gland. You may have heard of Adrenal Fatigue already. Some of the common symptoms include: Excessive fatigue, especially in the morning (hard to get going…) Inability to concentrate Nervousness and irritability Mental depression Apprehensions Excessive weakness Lightheadedness, especially upon standing up quickly Faintness and fainting Insomnia Frequent infections Intolerance to stress One of the phrases I often read that describes adrenal fatigue is “wired but tired.” What concerns me is not only the number of patients I now see with varying degrees of adrenal fatigue but also the kids that I am now seeing with these symptoms! I have an 8 year old patient that came in showing signs of adrenal fatigue. E...